Sunday, October 31, 2010

Gotta Love Technology

This past week my iphone pooped out so with that comes the temptation of upgrading. With my new iphone 4 we can take family portraits! Now we just need to work on turning that frown upside down!!!!!

Toasted cheeeeeeser!


Halloween Eve

Since Halloween fell on a Sunday this year, our church held the ward Halloween party on Saturday, Halloween Eve. It was a chili cook off. Lilly enjoyed the desserts the most hence the chocolate mustache. She was a rock star babe.

On Halloween we went to a dessert party...chocolate fountain and all! Yum. I was in sugar heaven. The fairy and the fairy godfather, Buster Posey, went trick-or-treating bedroom to bathroom collecting goodies for mama.

A Typical Weekend: Resort Exploring

Disney's Polynesian Resort

Just like being back in Hawaii. Gorgeous!

Lakeside, you can rent 2 seater Sea Ray boats. Awesome!!! Lilly just 11 more years and you can drive your own!

Fort Wilderness Lodge

It felt like I was back in Cali surrounded by it's Tahoe-like atmosphere.

They were playing the YMCA song poolside so I had to dance!

"I'm hungry motha. I really am. I could eat a, a whole elephant!"

My loves.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

This is living

Hakuna Matata, the bare necessities, or whatever you call it...Lilly has mastered it!

"I do it myself!"

Watch out world, Lilly is on the move!

Every time she reaches the top, she looks at the progress she has made and admires the beautiful surroundings for at least 5 minutes before proceeding.

I've reached the top!

This is her silly face. She gets so excited she finally gets to go down the slide after a half hour of climbing and rest stops.

So serious. "I must concentrate on the downward motion!"

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Animal Kingdom Resort

There is so much to see here and one of my favorite things to visit are the Disney Resorts. What I find so amazing is that Disney gives nothing less than 100% in designing and decorating. How does the saying go again? "Why do we go through all the trouble to providing such intricate detail? It's because someONE will always notice- even if it's just one person!"

It's a bird, a plane, it's...a moo moo with elephant tusks coming out of it's brain!

Wild life roams right outside the guest rooms.

New Developments

No, she is not walking yet, but she does have different speeds of crawling...i think i will take my time speed, wait for me speed, and turbo speed. Lillian now goes down the slide all by herself- pushes off and everything!

No hand(s), aren't I talented?

Freaked out!!! Lilly starts out scared out of her wit but eventually warms up to the swing.

I'm assuming Lillian's thoughts go as, "Now that I pooped my pants, I think I can relax. Swing aren't so bad. I will eat the cheese now."

"Are you sure this water is sanitary?" Lilly prefers to splash with her hands and dip her toes than be submerged.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our Favorite Girl

This is the face we wake up to every morning. She puts a smile on our faces. What a silly girl!

A wonderful eater when it comes to sweets

The wonderful life continues

Such a good girl brushing her teeth for church. If she could speak our language she would say, "I do it myself, and don't touch me." Such an independent little thing.

Weekend Getaways

Sam has extremely busy work weeks so on the weekend he just wants to getaway with the family.

To pass the time in the car, Lilly hugs and tosses her baby doll, her favorite toy (mother like daughter- soon she will be calling up girlfriends, "Do you want to play big house or little house)

St. Petersburg beach. Our cabana baby

Lillian is a water baby just like her daddy. Good thing the water temperature was jjjjjust right!

Rays stadium. One of Sam's dreams is to visit most if not all professional sport team stadiums.

First baseball game. She loved it especially when the music came on; she would clap her hands every time.

Animal Kingdom: Meet and greet with Meeko

Oktoberfest at Epcot

We Love Visitors

Two weeks in our new home and we had our first visitors. Yippee!!! After an extremely long treacherous flight, the Rudnicki's arrived. Animal Kingdom, Hollywood Studios, Magic Kingdom, Cape Canaveral, and Downtown Disney...just to name a few places visited.

The Tree of Life at Animal Kingdom. Apparently Lilly has seen it, done that!

Lillian felt like a BIG GIRL riding in the big kid stroller. Thanks cousin Rylee for sharing your seat.

Princess Rylee post makeover with her Fairy Godmother. You look gorgeous! I would love to get my hands on some of that hair goo for Lilly's unruly feathered head. No fly-aways here with the added bonus face lift, instant cure for the tired eye.

"Edgar Bad Bones" (Brody)

Thanks for coming Rudnicki family. We miss you already.