Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sunday Funday

On Sunday not only do we go to church but we get to dress up!

Church ready

Now that Lillian is 18 months, she is old enough to go to Nursery! Yippee. She does great. No tears. She walks in, looks around, and plays with toys with the other children.

After church we get to hang out at home as a family- my favorite! :)

Makeshift beds on the floor are the best especially when Rapunzel makes an appearance.

Mommy and Me

Lillian's first tot gymnastics class

Lilly was ready and super psyched! On second thought she was scared out of her wits, but we had a great time.

Awaiting her turn on the trampoline.

Practicing her vault. Punch forward roll on to the mat in Mama's arms

This was one of the few things Lillian enjoyed. Walking on the beam.



and backwards

We ended practice in the foam pit. After a minute she finally warmed up to the foam cubes.

We can't wait until next time. "See you real soon!"

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Dear Lillian

Dear Lillicans,
Oh how many names you have. You are 18 1/2 months and are moving quit fast these days. Your hair is getting bleached by the sun and is slowly growing in back. You have more teeth than I can count or perhaps you won't keep your mouth open long enough for me to get a good look. You have approximately have 7 teeth up top and about 8 teeth below. You can point to your nose, mouth, eyes, ears, hair, and point and say "Hat." You can say "hat, Dada, Papa, Mama, nana (banana), dog dog, Minnie, cheep cheep" (and with hand gesture), "moo, rrrrar" (roar like a lion, dinosaur, monster), "bye" (waves goodbye and hello), "baa" (sheep). You can sign "please, thank you, and all done." You lotion your legs when you see Daddy lather his. You love helicopters, movies (Tangled, Snow White, Nemo, Sleeping Beauty), swimming, beach (sand and waves), books (you like to read to yourself), and hanging out with big kids. You jump into the pool without floaties and can swim to the edge of the pool. You are the best 3rd wheel and are easily packed up for adventure. We love you very much.
Papa & Mama

Aloha Miami

Lately it has been a lot of work and little play. So, to recharge Sam and to darken the tan a bit a mini vaca was much needed.

Happy Anniversary to the love of my life! It's been 4 incredible years and has been nothing short of adventure.

So this year we celebrated our anniversary not only with our favorite 3rd wheel Lillian, but spent the holiday weekend in Miami. MIA means beach and beach and more beach= my type of vacation.

Lillian couldn't leave pups and princesses behind

Clear water. Just how beach water should be.

We found the perfect sandbar. Lillicakes loved diving into the waves.

Floaties are for woosies

My little koala bear

Yum! So what's an anniversary without food?

Grampa's was delicious. We love mom and pop shops and this one we won't ever forget-even the kid's meal (chicken tenders) were homemade. I was impressed!

There's no passing up dessert!

I'm a huge sugarholic so dessert was a must. We split a hot fudge banana split- MY FAVORITE!

Pure deliciousness

I'm enjoying our journey and definitely looking forward to the next 60+ years together. I love you!